Best Rotation Addon Wow
Addons are incredibly helpful as they make your journey throughout World of Warcraft a little easier. There are addons for professions, auction houses, world exploration, boss fights, the list goes on. But what we need to concern ourselves now is what are the essential Addons a Hunter should have that would aid them in becoming one of the best raid member and the best DPS dealer in a group. Don't get me wrong, the addons won't directly increase your DPS, they're just there to tell the tale of your shot rotations and give suggestions on what you should do to improve your DPS. JS' Hunter Bar: Most describe it as the holy grail of Hunter addons, and we see why.
JS' Hunter Bar conveniently tells how much focus you have, what debuffs are active, what traps are currently triggered, all in one single bar. It's pretty sweet because the graphic interface of the JS' Hunter bar is so dynamic, it might be the only thing you need to look out for rather than occasionally checking your tiny focus bar on the upper left corner of the screen. A must have for every Hunter out there.
Best rotation 'helper' addons for specific class/specs (like Hekili for Enh Shaman) submitted 2 years ago by SvenTheTon78 As a new player, I've got a lot of work to do learning rotations for specs I play, and someone recommended me the Hekili addon to help me see what the rotation SHOULD look like, and what kind of damage its capable of when.
Not every spec is updated for BfA, so please check the table below (Supported Rotations). If a spec is in WIP or Outdated status, please do not report an issue about it.If you are experiencing issues with AoE rotations (likely abilities not being recommended), be sure to have enemies nameplates enabled and enough nameplates shown (camera can hide them).If you see an icon with 'POOL' written inside, it means you have to pool your resources. It's a normal behavior. Please see this.If you update the addon via the Twitch Client and wish to get every change as they are released, please set the addon type to Alpha by right clicking the addon name and selecting Alpha under Release Type. Note that this can potentially include updates that break functionality! HeroRotationHeroRotation is a World of Warcraft addon to provide the player useful and precise information to execute the best possible DPS rotation in every PvE situation at max level.The project is hosted on and powered by.It is maintained by and the team.Also, you can find it on and.There are a lot of helpful commands. Do '/hr help' to see them in-game!Most of the commands and options are being moved to Addons Panels, and you can see them by going into Interface - Addons - HeroRotation.Feel free to join our.
Feedback is highly appreciated! Key Features.
Main icon that shows the next ability you should cast. Two smaller icons above the previous one that shows the useful OffGCD abilities to use. One medium icon on the left that shows every ability that should be cycled (i.e. Multi-dotting). One medium-small icon on the upper-left that does proposals about situational abilities (trinkets, potions.). Toggles to turn On/Off the CDs or AoE to adjust the rotation according to the situation (the addon can be disabled this way aswell).Toggles can now use directly key bindings, set them in 'Game Menu - Key Bindings - AddOns'Every rotation is based on.
Special Features. Handle both single target and AoE rotations (it auto adapts). Optimized pooling of resources when needed (ex: energy before using cooldowns as a rogue). Accurate TimeToDie prediction. Next cast prediction for casters.
World Of Warcraft Rotation Addon
Special handlers for tricky abilities (ex: finality or exsanguinated bleeds for rogues). Solo mode to prioritize survivability over DPS.