Simfatic Forms Registration Code
Hand-coding HTML forms using the common web design tools used to be a long and cumbersome process. HTML code for the form is just one part of the whole web form. You need the server side processing script as a tool that fills this gap. You can design the web form using the visual editor. No coding is required. Simfatic Forms generates all the required code ( The HTML code and the server side processing script).Easy to follow, step-by-step interfaceSimfatic Forms has a step-by step interface.
This allows you to concentrate on one task at a time and takes away all the complexities of creating your web form.Design your form using the visual editorSimfatic Forms has a visual editor. The visual editor gives you the maximum flexibility in designing your web form. You can place and align the form elements in any way you want. All types of form elements (like text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons ) are supported. In addition, components like Calculation field and Captcha are also supported. Choose input validationsForm validation is no more a coding problem. With Simfatic Forms, you can just have to choose the validations.
Simfatic Forms generates the code. More complex cases like conditional validations also are supported.Form to email, save to database, auto response and moreYou don’t have to worry about coding the server side script either. Just choose the processing options and Simfatic Forms will generate the server side script. Almost all commonly required server side processing options are supported by default.Design the form and get it online quicklySimfatic Forms takes you step-by-step through the process of uploading the scripts to your web site too.
Simfatic Forms Registration Code List
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You can seamlessly integrate the form with your website.